Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How Entourage and Jersey Shore made me a better person

I have been totally hooked on Entourage for the last month or two, watching all the old episodes via tvshack. Before that I did the same with Jersey Shore.

All this TV got me thinking about how these shows have changed my perception of 1) homies that wear pajamas and sideways ballcaps, and 2) Guidos. Before these shows, I HATED people like Turtle or "The Situation" or Ronnie with a passion, particularly Guidos. Very strange since I love most things Italian (cuisine, Vespas, cars). Off topic a bit, but I find it's the same with the French Canadians. As a group, I generally hate French people but I like the cuisine. That's a different story; back to Guidos and Turtle.

So, after watching Entourage and Jersey Shore, I wish I had a bunch of buddies like Turtle or "The Situation" (scratch Vinnie, he's a little bitch). I find myself being more open to guys like this when I'm at the gym or playing ball. Somehow I started saying 'Bro' and 'yo' all the time, and I like it. I find myself not " hatin' " so much, and just rolling with it. Weird how a TV show could do this to a person.

Anyway, I have a new respect for Guidos, for Guidos chicks, for dudes who wear pajamas and sideways hats. All I need now is a French Entourage instead of one of those awful TV shows where French Canadians just make stupid faces all the time.

1 comment:

  1. You've left me speechless.

    I've been an Entourage fan over the years. However, the last few seasons I feel like I'm just watching it because I always have.
